We help you provide your clients what they want from you
- Protection – Your Ideal Client wants to know that you are protecting their financial strategy and their money.
- They want to feel confident that you are doing everything possible to make sure that their strategy to achieve their goals are protected. This means that their current plan is updated, they are told whether they are “On Track” or “Off Track” and what should be done about it, and that you are looking out at least 20 years in advance to determine if course corrections should be made now.
- The client wants to feel confident that their money is not going to disappear because of an investment that you recommended. Remember, it isn’t always about the return on the client’s money, but more importantly, it is the return of their money.
- Attention – Your Ideal Client wants to know that you are “on top of everything” all of the time when it comes to their financial situation.
- They want to feel confident that you have everything under control and that you know what is going on in each area of their financial lives.
- They want to know that when they have questions, you will know the answers
- Coordination – Your Ideal Client wants to know you are coordinating everything when it comes to their personal finances.
- They want to know that you have facilitated actions that need to be taken between their local financial relationships so that they don’t have to worry about it.
- They want to know that you have spent the time to minimize any actions that they should be involved with so that their life is as simplified as possible.
- Transparency – Your Ideal Client wants to know that there are no ulterior motives when you make a recommendation or take action related to their financial situation.
- They want to feel confident that when you make a recommendation, that you are doing it because if benefits them, not you.
- They want to know that if there is any possible conflict of interest regarding any recommendation, that you will always disclose the conflict immediately.